About the Book
Nellie knows the Alphabet is a children's book based on mindfulness and emotional intelligence. What does that mean? Firstly, it means not underestimating children. They are so much smarter than most of us give them credit for. And introducing concepts that trigger their curiosity and inspire them to ask questions about the world around them seems like common sense to me.
About Nellie
Nellie loves going on adventures! She's not afraid to explore the unknown. In fact, she wants to show you things you may not have ever seen or heard of before. And if you have, maybe she can show you a different way of looking at them! Whether she's learning about awareness while floating in space, or providing shelter for a friend who's caught outside in the rain, Nellie brings children on a whimsical adventure that teaches them the alphabet along with fundamental values that will give them a leg up when faced with real-world issues.
Words, original concepts and colored by me, Tash Guimond. Illustrated by Josh Spooner.
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Full spreads for every letter. Follow Nellie on her inspired journey.

A is for Aware: Be aware that there is more to life than just ourselves.

B is for Breathe: Sometimes we all need to take a moment and just breathe.

F is for Focus: Everything is easier when you focus your mind.

I is for Imagine: What do you see when you imagine?

K is for Kindness: Continue to be kind, even when life is unfair.

M is for Mistakes: Everyone makes mistakes. Learn from them.

R is for Respect: Respect is supporting others for who they are.