The Brand
Pearl Izumi is a company that creates an array of athletic clothing and gear, including women's trail running shoes.
The Problem
Pearl Izumi is doing great in Germany and Japan, but not as well in the States. How do we get women, who are constantly on the go, to embrace a lifestyle of running only possible with pearl Izumi SyncroFuel XC trainers?
The Solution
Transcendental Running - A campaign that introduces the concept of transcendental running and how Pearl Izumi XC trainers provide a lightness that's unheard of.
Print Ad
A Spread focused on the introduction of transcendental running.
Headline: Introducing Transcendental Running
Copy: Trail running has always been a completely different experience. It requires more discipline. It requires more stamina. It requires more attention to the science of running.
Now Pearl Izumi SyncroFuel XC trainers take that to an entirely new level. With military grade SKYDEX® technology and new 1:1 Energy Foam, SyncroFuel XC trainers both lighten and cushion your feet. Your core and mind will strengthen, your stamina will astonish you. You'll run in a zone of harmony you've never experienced before.
It clears your mind. And the path ahead.

Introducing the Pearl Izumi Nirvana Chip (PINC). Using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Chips, Pearl Izumi SyncroFuel XC trainers instantly activate kiosks at Pearl Izumi sponsored trails when they're nearby. The touch screen kiosk allows you to check-in on Foursquare, Facebook or Twitter if you so choose, with information that you preregistered to the chip. On Foursquare, there are new badges that you can collect. Every time you activate a kiosk, you earn points to earn rewards.
Poster Copy
Headline: Pearl Izumi Nirvana Chip (PINC)
Paragraph: Using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips placed in the tongue of your new Pearl Izumi SyncroFuel XC trainers, you instantly activate small kiosks placed at Pearl Izumi sponsored trails.
Subhead: Register
Paragraph: You register your purchase in-store at the Pearl Izumi kiosk, or online at Registration includes the usual info: Name, Address, Phone Number, etc. It also gives you the option to link your Foursquare, Facebook and Twitter accounts.
Subhead: Trail Kiosks
Paragraph: PINC activates the solar-powered trail kiosk when you're within a few feet of it. It greets you in one of three ways:
1. If you've registered your PINC and it's your first time there, it reads, "Hi, _____!" If you've been here before, it reads, "Welcome back, _____!" The screen also reads, "What would you like to do?" and gives you several options: 1) Find out more about this train. 2) Check-in with Foursquare. 3) Update Your Facebook Status. 4) Tweet. 5) Activate all Social Networks. You make your choice, then get on with your run.
2. If you haven't registered your PINC: The kiosk reads, "Hi! Welcome to the _____ Trail!" and displays a button that reads, "Find out more about this trail." At the bottom of the screen it reads, "For a personalized experience, social network integration, and the opportunity to earn gift certificates, register at
3. If you're not a Pearl Izumi customer, the kiosk responds if you touch the screen. It reads, "Hi! Welcome to the _____ Trail!" and displays a button that reads, "Find out more about this trail." At the bottom of the screen it reads. "For a personalized experience, social network integration and the opportunity to earn gift certificates, check out"
Subhead: Facebook
Paragraph: The kiosk automatically updates your Facebook status with, "I'm about to transcend the part with Pearl Izumi at the _____ Trail." and includes a link to the microsite: It also takes your picture if you allow it.
Subhead: Twitter
Paragraph: The kiosk automatically updates your Twitter with, "I'm currently running the _____ Trail. #transcendthepath" and includes a shortened link to the microsite. It also takes your picture if you allow it.
Subhead: Foursquare
Paragraph: Checking in on Foursquare lets your friends know that you're running that trail. It enables you to earn certain badges. It also takes your picture if you allow it.
The Indiana Jones Badge: You've discovered a rare trail.
The Karma Badge: A friend ran the trail after you did.
The Ultra-runner Badge: You ran a trail that was over 30 miles.
The Buddha Badge: You've run all Pearl Izumi sponsored trails.
The Karma Badge: A friend ran the trail after you did.
The Ultra-runner Badge: You ran a trail that was over 30 miles.
The Buddha Badge: You've run all Pearl Izumi sponsored trails.
Subhead: Microsite
Paragraph: The Microsite, "" has the following pages:
What is Transcendental Running?
PINC Technology
SyncroFuel XC Specs
Store Locator
PINC Technology
SyncroFuel XC Specs
Store Locator

Commercial Pitch
Copy: With this new technology, you'll never want to come back down.
It's early morning. there is a forest of extremely tall trees with rays of light radiating from behind them. There's a slight fog and we see a tiny, female runner emerge from the left, starting to venture across the screen. We move in close. We're following her from the waist up through the trail, maintaining our profile view. As we progress through the trail, we pan down her body.
As her feet begin to appear, we swing around to the back of the runner, continuing our downward motion, so that when we finally reach her feet, we're at worm's eye view. That's when we notice her feet aren't actually touching the ground. She's about six inches above it.
As soon as the realization hits, we delve into a deep slow motion, where we see the logo on the back of the shoe. The words "Introducing Transcendental Running" appear on the screen as the narrator says them. We finish by cutting back to the establishing shot where the website and logo lay across the screen and our tiny, female runner exits.

Mock-up for pitch.